Intelligent Starting TechnologyDie intelligenten Starttechnologielösungen von ZTR dienen der Verbesserung der Auslastung von Lokomotiven, einschließlich einfacher und zuverlässiger Startvorgänge und höheren Kraftstoffeinsparungen. Ihre Lokomotiven werden stets einsatzbereit sein, bei geringeren Gesamtbetriebskosten.

  • Reduktion von Emissionen und Kraftstoffeinsparungen
  • Verbesserte und zuverlässige Startvorgänge
  • Fernüberwachung der Kraftstoffeinsparungen
  • Automatische Starts/Stopps der Lokomotive


Products include:

SmartStart® IIe
SmartStart is the industry-leading locomotive automatic engine start/stop system because of proven results on thousands of locomotives. With an ROI of less than 12 months, it saves railways 1.5 million gallons of fuel every month!

Die KickStart Batterieunterstützung verwendet Hochleistungskondensatoren-Technologie, um die für den Start der Lokomotive erforderlichen Startstrombedarf der Batterien zu senken. Dies führt zu mehr zuverlässigen Startvorgängen der Lokomotive und verlängert die Batterielaufzeit.

Locomotive Battery Saver System™
Das Locomotive Battery Saver System besitzt einen Schaltschütz der einen Haupttrennschalter simuliert und sich nach einer voreingestellten Zeitverzögerung automatisch öffnet. Dieses System verhindert vorzeitige Verzögerungen durch entladene Batterien und erhöht die Zuverlässigkeit.

Aufgrund unserer weltweit getesteten und eingesetzten Lösungen sowie die messbare Anlagenrendite ist ZTR die erste Wahl, wenn es um die Zuverlässigkeit der Startvorgänge von Lokomotiven geht.

  • Bewährte Lösungen intelligenter Starttechnologie
  • Direkte und messbare Anlagenrendite für Ihre Flotte
  • Auf fast alle Lokomotiventypen anwendbar
  • Weltweit über 11.000 installierte Systeme
  • Integrationsoptionen für Remote-Konnektivität, Diagnose und Berichtserstellung



Insights to meet your goals

Industry goals continue to evolve and expand at breakneck speeds. More than ever, the focus is on addressing emission reductions and meeting science-based goals without sacrificing availability. It is a fine line and a challenge that we tackle head on.

At ZTR, our goal is to help Railroads meet these ambitious and important goals. With our services, we ensure Railroads get the most out of our products and their locomotives by gathering the right data and turning it into meaningful insight.


Through data collection and analysis, ZTR offers many opportunities for improvement including: procedural corrections, maintenance requirements, hardware or software configurations as well as technology advancements that can make a significant difference. 

ZTR Fuel and Energy Management products such as SmartStart, work to reduce emissions and offer quick ROI through fuel savings. Insights include:

  • How systems are being maintained
  • How much fuel is being saved and, just as importantly, what is not being saved and why?
  • Fleet and individual performance
  • “Quick wins” for fuel savings
  • Utilization

Locomotive uptime and operational efficiencies are critical in today’s supply and demand environment. ZTR control solutions improve locomotive availability by raising performance standards and facilitating data driven actions to quickly and proactively resolve locomotive issues. You can get immediate alerts and notifications concerning:

  • Location
  • Locomotive component faults
  • Items that require immediate attention or shopping
  • Historical information to aid in proactive maintenance
  • Periodic transmission of locomotive performance metrics
  • Fuel management information

ZTR industry leading support can be improved even further through technology; we're onboard with you. More visibility for our expert team leads to quick resolution, less time in the shop and higher availability.

By utilizing data available through ZTR cloud based solutions, we can provide:

  • Collaborative and periodic reviews
  • Baseline system configuration and health
  • Recommendations for troubleshooting and potential parts replacement
  • Fleet-wide locomotive performance analysis reports with focus on Emission reductions and opportunities for improvement